Beat The Christmas Bulge With GM-Fitness
It is a fantastic time of year. GM-Fitness 

Time For Family, Friends, Fitness, Food and Alcohol.
Christmas Cakes, Christmas Pies, Christmas Puddings, FUN, Laughter and hopefully you stay focused with lifting.
A great time for lights, decorations, parties and celebration, Often a hard time to stay on track with your fitness regime, but it does not have to be that way.
With Christmas biscuits at the office, Christmas cakes at your friends house, Wine and cookies everywhere you look, it can sometimes be overwhelming to say no, the word moderation goes out the window and over indulgence here we come.
Let me tell you a little something this is NORMAL. Do not beat yourself up over it. We are all of course human, and need to let our hair down at some point in the year, so let it be Christmas.
One afternoon of over indulgence does not mean we have to carry it on the next day. what it means is, yesterday was yesterday so move on forget about it, and carry on eating your normal healthy food.
The trick here is your mind set, if we can let go of one day and not let it run in to two, three or four days of consecutive over indulgence, Then we should hopefully not pile on to many pounds.Please note that to put on a pound of fat you must consume 3500 extra calories on top of your normal daily calorie intake.
What can we do to ease the weight gain over Christmas?
Stick to your fitness routine. Make No Excuses why you can not make a session.
Have a positive mind set. If you binge one day, let it go and remember tomorrow is the start of a new day.
Eat only if your hungry, Do not eat just for the sake of it we are not human dust bins.
Do Not skip breakfast.
Make time for daily walks.
If you drink one day, try to have a non drinking day the next.
Stand in front of the mirror naked and ask yourself are you happy with what you see.
Opt for clear spirits.
Have a positive mind set.
Be part of a fitness group, where you share your daily food intake and have the support of like minded people.
Try not to cave in to peer pressure often enough your friends pressure you in to one more drink, one more cake because they feel guilty for not being able to take control of what are they consuming, by you over eating ,over drinking it makes them feel better, haha they are not the only ones now gaining more junk in their trunks. You are joining their club.
Keep following us.
we will be posting daily blogs from Monday 28th November about how we GM-Fitness stay on track over this festively Fit Season.

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