Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Not Fat But Fit This Christmas.

Festive Facts For you to think about this Christmas.

Lets Talk Energy in versus energy out!

Before you over indulge a little to much.  Lets discuss a few things!

Your weight is a balancing act, calories play a big part.
The more sugar we consume the more we crave....
A mince pie has 258 calories with 19.4grams of sugar that equals roughly 45-60 minutes of exercise to burn this off, this would be moderate exercise.

Despite all the fad diets on the market, weight management still comes down to calories you consume versus calories you burn.
Calories are the energy in food, our bodies demand a constant supply of calories to keep us functioning.
From thinking to running a race.
Fats, carbs and protein are the types of nutrients that contain calories and good nutrition that our bodies require.
Calories are converted to physical energy or stored within your body, either for recovery and repair, or stored as FAT.
Stored fat will remain unless you use up those extra calories that you have consumed, either by reducing your calorie intake or increasing your daily exercise.
3500 calories equals 1 pound/ 0.45kilograms of fat. You need to burn 3500 calories more than you take in to lose 1 pound.
Cut 500 calories a day from your diet, you would loose about a pound a week=
500x 7= 3500 calories.
Cutting calories can be as simple as
Reducing your portion sizes
swapping high calorie foods
exercising daily
making good food choices.
With Christmas just a few weeks away, think
about the food you are consuming,enjoy this festive season, but do be aware of how many extra calories you are consuming.
210= 50 MINUTES
One small glass of wine equals 120calories.
The Good News
GM-Fitness Bootcamps are running throughout December as is pt sessions and group lifting classes.
There should be no reason to why weight gain will be an issue this year. HAHA

Monday, 28 November 2016

Changing The negative Thoughts that in prison us in our own minds..

Our Mind is a powerful Tool, often enough we can be trapped in our own prison with no way out, constantly battling with our known self disruptive thoughts.
We can be our own worst nightmare. gmfitness-logo-3
Listening to that voice inside our head that is constantly being negative and knocking us down.
How do we change that voice and escape the prison that we have put ourselves in to.
If we do not decide to change our thought pattern, then our thoughts will always remain the same.
Ways to Help you change your current thought pattern.
Start to become aware of the way you think and feel, be open to listening to your body when you know what triggers a bad negative thought, write that trigger down.
Try to always take walks during the day especially when the sun is shining to  boost those happy hormones. During the winter months when its dark wet and windy this can often lead to a feeling of darkness. To combat this schedule your walk into your diary regardless of the weather, it is important to break the negative routine that you are currently following.
Eat a balanced diet as a balanced diet has an effect on the way we feel.
Umming and ahhing here.. If you want to change, the first step to change must come from within you.
Surround yourself with positive people, people that have goals and ambitions, say good bye to the people drainers.
Book yourself in for weekly training sessions, Training equals endorphin's= endorphin's equal happy hormones, happy hormones equal a positive way of thinking. If you have an appointment you are less likely to cancel.
Set your self weekly smart goals, as humans we like to be constantly achieving goals, without personal achievements being set, we can often feel lost and low.
Drink plenty of water and green tea throughout the day, staying hydrated has positive effects on your bowel movements.
Laugh, Watch a funny movie, play a childish game, bake some cakes, Break your day to day routine and set out some out to have a good old giggle.

Here at GM-Fitness we are believers in stepping out of your comfort zone,
if you are not happy about something only you are responsible for changing it.

Coaching and training is available with family run GM-Fitness.
For more information.#Contact the team today. or follow us throughout Decemberwww.gm-fitness.co.uk

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Beat The Christmas Bulge with GM-Fitness


Beat The Christmas Bulge With GM-Fitness

It is a fantastic time of year.      GM-Fitness christmas-2015
Time For Family, Friends, Fitness, Food and Alcohol.
Christmas Cakes, Christmas Pies, Christmas Puddings, FUN, Laughter and hopefully you stay focused with lifting.
A great time for lights, decorations, parties and celebration, Often a hard time to stay on track with your fitness regime, but it does not have to be that way.
With Christmas biscuits at the office, Christmas cakes at your friends house, Wine and  cookies everywhere you look, it can sometimes be overwhelming to say no, the word moderation goes out the window and over indulgence here we come.
Let me tell you a little something this is NORMAL. Do not beat yourself up over it. We are all of course human, and need to let our hair down at some point in the year, so let it be Christmas.
One afternoon of over indulgence does not mean we have to carry it on the next day. what it means is, yesterday was yesterday so move on forget about it, and carry on eating your normal healthy food.
The trick here is your mind set, if we can let go of one day and not let it run in to two, three or four days of  consecutive over indulgence, Then we should  hopefully not pile on to many pounds.Please note that to put on a pound of fat you must consume 3500 extra calories on top of your normal daily calorie intake.

What can we do to ease the weight gain over Christmas?
Stick to your fitness routine. Make No Excuses why you can not make a session.
Have a positive mind set. If you binge one day, let it go and remember tomorrow is the start of a new day.
Eat only if your hungry, Do not eat just for the sake of it we are not human dust bins.
Do Not skip breakfast.
Make time for daily walks.
If you drink one day, try to have a non drinking day the next.
Stand in front of the mirror naked and ask yourself are you happy with what you see.
Opt for clear spirits.
Have a positive mind set.
Be part of a fitness group, where you share your daily food intake and have the support of like minded people.
Try not to cave in to peer pressure often enough your friends pressure you in to one more drink, one more cake because they feel guilty for not being able to take control of what are they consuming, by you over eating ,over drinking it makes them feel better, haha they are not the only ones now gaining more junk in their trunks. You are joining their club.

Keep following us.
we will be posting daily blogs from Monday 28th November about how we GM-Fitness stay on track over this festively Fit Season.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Changes in our thought patern lead to changes in our behavior and mood. Mel Myles GM-Fitness

Smart Goals= Progress

What we Think affects how we act and Feel. ( Thoughts- Trigger Behaviour- Emotions)

What we do affects how we think and feel ( Behaviour)

What we feel affects what we think and do ( Emotions)

We have all come across those days where we wish we had thought first before acting on a simple impulse.
Those thoughts without thinking often lead us to where we wish we had not ended up.

A guy named Albert Ellis devised the ABC Model
Antecedents – Behaviour- Situations   The model was devised as a way to target problem thoughts and behaviours.

Antecedents are the triggers that often occur before you engage in an unhelpful habit.
( Thought, feelings, situations)

Behaviour is what tends to happen if we follow through with the bad habit.

Consequences are what happens afterwards. This could be the emotional/ physical/ social effect that our behaviour has had on our current situation.

Check out the example below

Antecedent                         Behaviour                              Consequences
I feel Anxious                     I have a Drink                       Calm effect from the alcohol
I feel worried                      I lash out                                Have said things that you regret
I Feel Lonely                       I  eat                                      Feel Better, Then Fed up.

In order for Change to take place we have to be aware that change needs to occur.

GM-Fitness discuss the stages of Change below.

1 Pre contemplative-  Unaware that there is a problem

2 Contemplative-  Aware that there is a problem and see there’s probably a need to change

3 Preparing – Made a decision or commitment to change, Taking steps needed for change to occur.

4 Action- Making modifications to ones life, temptation and chances of relapse are strong.

5 Maintenance-   After at least a year of successful change in behaviour, this stage hopefully has set you up for a new lifestyle.

6 Termination- the problem behaviour is no longer considered desirable to the client.
An example  years have passed since the client last had a food binge/ last drink they no longer have cravings or urges to engage in this behaviour.

RELAPSE ( to undesired behaviour can occur at any time during stages 4-6. This can however be used as a learning opportunity to strengthen current coping strategies and mechanisms in place to facilitate the change process.

Where do you find yourself on the above Change Cycle?

If you wish to make positive lifestyle changes, Please do contact Us here at GM-Fitness.


Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Cosy By the Fire GM-Fitness

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Cosy By The Fire By Coach Mel Myles GM-Fitness

I recently attended a concert with some clients of ours.
Rod Stewart.
To be quite honest we did not know many songs, just the odd one-three of them.
The reason for this blog is to talk about health and endurance. Rod Stewart is 72 years of age.
And by golly he worked it on stage,
His stage presence was phenomenal as well as his energy levels. I do not know many people half his age that could of preformed as well as he did.
What is his secret one may ask.

Lifestyle choices!
It is so easy to stop exercising due to life commitments, work, a new partner, busy socialising.
but what happens one day when you wake up and realise you should of done both, the healthy lifestyle, as well as keeping up with your social life.
People often make excuses why they should give up on themselves regarding fitness.
But I bet the odd take out is still on the cards.
I personally believe the best thing you can invest in for a lifetime of healthy living is your fitness regime.
Take Rod Stewart he would not be able to preform as well as he did on stage if he was not fit and healthy.

The choices we make today, will effect your tomorrow, and if your not careful the tomorrow of many years to come.

Feeling fit to me gives me that cosy by the fire feeling.
What does it do for you?
If you look in the mirror right now, what are you saying to yourself are you happy?
When it comes to health and fitness I believe we should not just think of the present moment but think about from 10 years from now, or at a push 20-30 years.
Would you still have the energy and confidence to look as good as someone like rod Stewart when you are 72.

Regular Exercise will
Reduce your risk of the common cold
It will help to improve depression
It helps prevent brittle bones.
It reduces chronic pain.
At least 10 minutes of aerobic exercise — biking, fast walking, running on the treadmill — can significantly improve chronic pain, likely by releasing natural pain relievers called endorphins.

It can help relieve constipation.
Can help you battle against diabetes
Make you Feel less stressed
Decrease your Blood Pressure
Help you feel fitter and look younger.
Keep excess weight at bay.
boost your metabolic rate.
Help you sleep.
You will feel more productive during the day.

If there is one thing you wish to invest in let it be your health and fitness.
For what would life be like without our health.

Live with that cosy by the fire feeling, Invest in a good fitness regime.
You sure will not regret it.
Think of your tomorrow, not just about your today.

Mel Myles GM-Fitness

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Set Your Intensions for the week ahead, Mel Myles GM-Fitness

Brought to you by Coach Mel Myles GM-Fitness

The summer of 2016 is here.

Are you like the majority of people who feel like you have left it a little to late to get in to shape ?
We often find reasons to put ourselves last and others before us, which results in us neglecting our own health needs.
Are you someone that is currently doing this?
Saying I will start tomorrow or I am to busy taking the children to their clubs that you do not have time for yourself.
This is such an easy circle to fall in to.
Trust me I see and hear this a lot.
I am not a parent so I do not suffer from the lack of sleep. But I do witness on a day to day basis the importance of each and everyone of us giving our selves at least 2- 3hours a week to exercise or if exercise is not your thing just getting outside for a walk alone. remembering that you are an individual and your needs matter just as much as your child or your partner.
If you struggle for child care, then often enough trainers can do house calls, or better still can meet in the park, with your baby in the buggy.
There are always ways to get around obstacles, its all about knowing what you want and sticking to your plan.
bikini ready
My Morning Routine, why not try to add this to yours.
I have also explained some health benefits why I do this.

Add Lemon to your water first thing in the morning, This will…..
  • Give your immune system a boost. Vitamin C .
  • Excellent source of potassium. …
  • Aids digestion. …
  • Cleanses your system. …
  • Freshens your breath. …
  • Keeps your skin blemish-free. …
  • Helps you lose weight. …
  • Reduces inflammation.
After you have consumed your Lemon water, Top that up with A Matcha Tea
Matcha Tea
Ego Friendly Magic Matcha Tea
Matcha Benefits 

Matcha Green Tea has many benefits that come from its abundance of antioxidants and amino acids.
 According to research Matcha has many positive effects on your health.
Studies suggest drinking green tea may help induce thermogenesis stimulating fat loss.
Matcha is a form of green tea made of ground powdered whole leaves and contains far greater levels of antioxidants than your average tea.
Researchers at the University of Colorado found that EGCC concentration in matcha is 137 times greater than in regular green tea.

Eat freshly Cut Vegetables in their raw form whenever possible, as cooking sometimes destroys nutritional value, Brightly coloured vegetables is what you should opt for.
Vegetables have a abundance of nutritional value and are filled with fibre, which keeps you feeling fuller for longer as well as contributing to a healthy gut.
Eat Well With GM-Fitness

Take a Mid Morning Walk, Or if you are at the office give yourself a daily squat challenge. The chair that you sit on will be the depth of how low you go on each squat.
Think about doing 10 each hour, That over the course of the day is 80 Squats.
I hope after sharing some time with me here today, that tomorrow you decide to do something positive for your Health.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Tuesdays Health choice

what is your motivation?

Often enough we go through life just crawling along with no solid direction.
No Health or fitness plan in place.
No thoughts about your wellbeing or your families wellbeing.
I thought I would write this post today to share with you some fun  health tips that will not take to much time out of your day.
I hear week in week about how bored people are about their current eating habits.
This is due to consuming the same foods weekly and not being open to new ideas.
The super markets are filled with a varied selection of fantastic fruit and veg, not to mention herbs, spices and foods from around the world, to be honest we are spoilt for choice, if only we were open to CHANGE.

What stops people from Change is FEAR.





How often do you tell yourself you do not like something, when in fact it has been years since you last tried it.
Our taste buds change as we get older,  here at GM-Fitness we advise that you try new foods, or foods that you previously didn't like as you may pleasantly surprise yourself that you now like them
Tuesdays Health Tips
Pick brightly coloured Fresh vegetables.Vegetables are important part of healthy eating and provide a source of many nutrients, including potassium, fiber, folate (folic acid) and vitamins A, E and C. Options like broccoli, spinach, tomatoes and garlic provide additional benefits, making them a super food!
Potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. Dietary fiber from vegetables helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease.
Folate (folic acid) helps the body form healthy red blood cells.
Consume Water
Help your body stay hydrated throughout the day, by consuming good quality H20, We lose water throughout the day by breathing,  exercising and  It keeps things moving, digestion-wise.
Water helps us, you know, go by helping dissolve fats and soluble fibre. Drinking enough water prevents constipation  and also reduces the burden on the kidneys and liver by helping to flush waste products.

Take a lunch Time Break
Its approaching 1 pm and your planning to take your lunch at your desk. BIG NO NO.
If you want to be just as productive in the afternoon as you have been in the morning, then take a break, step away from your desk head outside and clear your mind.
The fresh air will do wonders for de-stressing and getting a bit of gentle exercise.

Change your Lifestyle Habits.


Thursday, 19 May 2016

Maximum Results Minumum Time spent in the gym. THE DEADLIFT

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Maximum Results Minimum Time Spent in THE gym, The Deadlift.

The Deadlift is one of our favourite exercises here at GM-Fitness.
whether it be the Straight leg Deadlift or the Bent leg deadlift the benefits truly are phenomenal.
The Deadlift when preformed with correct technique is by far one of the best exercises to do, This of course is my opinion.
A deadlift session uses many of the major muscle groups.
The Legs.
The Glutes
Your Abdominals
Chest and Back.
Why would you not incorporate this exercise if you can hit so many muscles in one smooth movement.

The deadlift can be preformed with an Olympic bar, Free weights even kettle bells, Also if you are training at home or in the park and wish to train without carrying heavy weights, The deadlift is just as effective if you choose to use a resistant band.

Below please find a break down of how to correctly preform the Deadlift.
I personally recommend you use a mirror to watch your form, Or if you are training with a partner please ask them to watch your posture.
  • Walk to the bar. Stand with your mid-foot under the bar.
  • Take hold of  the bar. Narrow, about shoulder-width apart. …
  • Bend your knees. Keep going until your shins touch the bar. …
  • Lift your chest. Straighten your back. .. brace your abdominals
  • Pull. Take a big breath, hold it and stand up.

The benefits we achieve from the Deadlift
Fat Burning  ( Big smiles all around)
Improved Posture ( Stronger Core and back muscles, Hopefully no more rounded shoulders)
More muscles worked ( Compound exercise, Exercising several muscles in one movement)
Will increase your overall strength( Functional fitness, Lifting those shopping bags will hopefully appear easier)
The exercise is safe as long as its preformed correctly ( No getting stuck under the bar)
Deadlifts are known for their ability to build  grip strength, and for good reason. Your fingers are literally the only things connecting you to the weight of the bar. Your forearms have to work incredibly hard as you progress in weight to keep the bar from falling out of your hands. Subsequently your grip strength grows by leaps and bounds.” ( this is something my clients are finding out)
Deadlifts help to increase hormones, promotes tissue healing, bone strength, muscle growth and fat loss.
The deadlift is great For overall Health, fitness, and wellbeing.
You truly feel great after a deadlift session.

I hope you have enjoyed todays Read.
GM-Fitness will return Soon.
Thank you.
Coach Mel Myles

Thursday, 7 January 2016

There Is a Substantial Amount Of Antioxidants in Magic-Matcha

blog 2

My Love for Matcha I want to Share it with you.


This Japanese Green Powered Tea as I said in an earlier blog is the champagne of all teas.
The health Benefits speak for themselves.
The taste is that of a Savoury/ Sweat warm thick smooth Texture, as you already Know it is green in colour. The darker the green the higher Grade Matcha that it is.

To Drink Matcha it should be enjoyed the traditional way made in a bowl ( Chawan)
Water is boiled then left to cool for 2-3 Minutes.
Half a teaspoon is added Then whisked with a chasesn (Bamboo Whisk/ Spoon / Electric Whisk)

The Matcha then will appear Smooth with a slight fluffy topping.
No Honey is needed but depending on your pallet feel free to give it a whirl.
As Matcha is in Powdered Form it also makes fantastic Lattes, can be added to protein shakes, Cakes, Bread Biscuits.

The list is endless but that is yet for another blog.

Today I just want to share with you a list of Health Properties that you will gain from Consuming Matcha in your daily Diet.

Matcha Is Not Addictive at all, due to the small amount of caffeine released you will never get a caffeine crash as you would with coffee.

Matcha is filled with Antioxidants especially catechins and epigallocatechin gallate 9egcg)
Which offer tremendous health benefits, these antioxidants combat free radicals, if free radicals build up over time, they can lead to chronic disease.

L Theanine helps boost the alpha brain waves which also help to relive stress and anxiety.

You will Consume a good amount of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, and K.

Matcha lowers the bad cholesterol (LDL)
Increased Metabolic rate (Thermogenesis which is the body’s ability to burn fats.

Better Neurological Health. Matcha is filled with L Theanine an amino acid which can boost cognitive health.

 I personally Recommend Starting off with One cup of Matcha a day and building from there.
Why not try it first thing in the morning, you sure will reap the benefits throughout the rest of the morning/mid-afternoon.

I personally kick start my day with a Bowl of Matcha.
Followed straight after with A Matcha Protein Shake.
With these Cold Mornings and being a suffer of Chilblains the Thermogenic properties of matcha help with my condition.

Hope you enjoyed the read I return Again Soon.

My Love for Matcha Will Continue.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

I Have A Love For Matcha May you Enjoy This Journey As Much as I do

Magic Matcha Tea

Magic Matcha Tea

I have a passion for Matcha and I wish to share my story with you

Part 1 of many more

This Champagne of teas has been around for hundreds of years and is still yet to be explored to its fullest here in Cardiff.

For well over 800 years’ monks throughout Japan and china have been drinking Matcha .
It is loaded with Chlorophyll which gives the human body an energy boost.
Warriors Would consume Matcha tea prior to a fight, so also really good as a pre workout drink.

It also contains several high antioxidant properties as it is packed with Catechins which remove free radicals from the body (Free Radicals are little terrors that attack your cells and course aging)

Matcha Is Powered tea in its purest form, the greener the matcha powder the higher the level of Chloropyll.

Dated Back over 800 years ago Monks would drink matcha tea to maintain focus and alertness for their long mediation sessions.

This Refreshing Light Green tea releases caffeine slowly in to the bloodstream, you get up to 6 hours of added energy with no jitteriness or the crash you would get from a cup of coffee.

Matcha Tea Is a Natural source of

Vitamin C
Amino Acid (L-Theanine which works wonders in helping to boost mental alertness at the office or at university.
Full of Antioxidants which promote oxygen supply to the heart.
A Cup of Matcha Green tea has 100 Times More antioxidants than a cup of Green Tea!

Matcha is Also packed with EGCG( Epigallocatechin 3 gallate) Which helps prevent swelling and inflammation in the human body.

I Suggest Drinking 3 Cups of This Champagne Tea Per Day.
It Works wonders for your skin, helps with general alertness and acts as a great metabolic booster as it has thermogenic properties.

My Story of Matcha will cont
