Fats often get a bad press as most people associate fats
with weight gain and see it as the enemy.
While it is true overconsumption of fat can cause weight
gain, fat is actually incredibly beneficial for every cell function in your
body and essential for life.
GM Fitness would
like to share with you the many fabulous facts about fats, that we hope will
help demystify some common misconceptions regarding fat.
If the mere mention of the word Cholesterol conger up
images of heart attacks and cardiovascular disease in your mind, then perhaps it
is time to rethink what you have learned.
Cholesterol is necessary for the production of several
hormones that are used to maintain homeostasis within your body.
Cholesterol is an important molecule in the body, but did
you know that most of the cholesterol needed by our bodies is made by our own
liver? The remaining cholesterol is obtained through the foods we consume. Persistently
high cholesterol levels can be detrimental to our heart and blood vessels, but
cholesterol also serves some very important functions in our body, including:
- Serving
as a precursor for many hormones, including Testosterone and Estrogen
- Maintaining
cell membrane integrity and fluid
- Contributing
to the formation of bile
density fats "Bad fats" LDL
LDL Cholesterol (Bad)
When too much LDL (bad) cholesterol circulates in the blood, it can slowly build up in the inner walls of the arteries that feed the heart and brain. Together with other substances, it can form plaque, this is a thick, hard deposit that can narrow the arteries and make them less flexible. This condition is known as atherosclerosis. If a clot forms and blocks a narrowed artery, heart attack or stroke can result.
When too much LDL (bad) cholesterol circulates in the blood, it can slowly build up in the inner walls of the arteries that feed the heart and brain. Together with other substances, it can form plaque, this is a thick, hard deposit that can narrow the arteries and make them less flexible. This condition is known as atherosclerosis. If a clot forms and blocks a narrowed artery, heart attack or stroke can result.
An easy way to remember your HDL from your LDL
cholesterol is to think of a hoes pipe.
Imagine that you have two hoes pipes, the first pipe
contains LDL low density lipo proteins, this hoes is running slowly because of
its low pressure and contains a gravy like liquid and is dribbling out of the
The second pipe
contains HDL high density lipo protein this is a lovely clear fluid that is
under high pressure and is spewing out like a fireman`s or firewoman`s hoes.
Density fat
High Cholesterol
"Good fats" HDL (Good)
one fourth to one third of blood cholesterol is carried by high-density
lipoprotein (HDL). HDL cholesterol is known as "good" cholesterol,
because high levels of HDL seem to protect against heart attack. Low levels of
HDL (less than 40 mg/dL) also increase the risk of heart disease. Medical
experts think that HDL tends to carry cholesterol away from the arteries and
back to the liver, where it's passed from the body. Some experts believe that
HDL removes excess cholesterol from arterial plaque, slowing its build up.
is a form of fat made in the body. Elevated triglycerides can be due to
overweight/obesity, physical inactivity, cigarette smoking, excess alcohol
consumption and a diet very high in carbohydrates (60 percent of total calories
or more). People with high triglycerides often have a high total cholesterol
level, including a high LDL (bad) level and a low HDL (good) level. Many people
with heart disease and/or diabetes also
have high triglyceride levels.
Omega 6 (O-6)
fatty acids are mostly in "land based foods”, such as animal products, for example, beef, pork,
poultry, eggs, dairy (other than non fat- skim milk etc.), beans soy), grains (e.g corn, wheat, etc), nuts
(walnuts have some O-3). Omega 3 are mostly in sea foods (especially fatty
fish, although they have O-6 too. Wild fish get O-3 from krill. Land O-3 from
foods such as (walnuts, purslaine, flax seed.
The fatty acid most
commonly found in flax-seed oil is α-linolenic acid (ALA, 18 carbons and 3
double bonds). In fish oil, they are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20 carbons and
5 double bonds), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22 carbons and 6 double bonds). ALA
converts to EPA and DHA, but in limited amounts. Best to get your EPA and DHA
from actual wild salmon and your ALA from flax.
Some foods that contain omega 3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to life, because they're necessary for
our health, but our bodies can't make them. We get them in our diets in foods
such as salmon, tuna, and halibut. Other seafood including algae, krill some
plants; and nut oils. They're crucial in brain development, and are anti-inflammatory.
Helpful in the prevention of heart disease, depression, and bipolar disorder.
Omega 6 diet sources Omega 6 (O-6) fatty acids are
mostly found within and foods, examples
of these are animal products, beef, pork, poultry, eggs, dairy (other than non
fat- skim milk etc.), beans (e.g. soy), grains (e.g corn, wheat, etc), nuts
(walnuts have some O-3). Omega 3 are mostly in sea foods (especially fatty
fish, although they have O-6 too. Wild fish get O-3 from krill. Land O-3
(walnuts, purslaine, flax not as well used)
Try to get most of your fat intake from whole food,
unheated, unsaturated sources.
These fats are the ones that
consistently show up as cardio protective because they either lower cholesterol
or they come with other benefits such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
Just remember that they are best for you in their
natural, unheated, unsalted state, particularly hemp seeds, the only
commonly used seed that contains GLA, a crucial, hormone regulating fat that is rare in other
OILS (extra virgin olive oil for salads
and grape seed are great for higher temperature cooking) Grape seed oil’s temperature can be raised quite high before it
begins to smoke so it is less damaged by the heat. It also may help prevent the
oxidation of cholesterol. This oxidation is what does the damage to the
cardiovascular system, and there is some evidence that the antioxidants in
grape seeds help protect blood vessel damage that occurs with high blood
To maintain the beneficial properties of your oil
and ensure it is as healthy as possible.
Heat your pan first to medium or high heat without
any oil in it. Have your ingredients ready to go in before you add the oil and
add the food as quickly as you can after you add the oil.
This will prevent sticking, preserving the oil, and
give a better colour and texture to your food. Extra virgin olive oil is an excellent
source of unsaturated fat. However, you only get the benefit if it is cold
pressed and served raw and unheated.
AVOCADOS: Avocados are loaded with good (monounsaturated) fat. Some people are
put off the idea of eating avocados, due to the fact that they are high in
calories, consuming Avocado will ensure you benefit from a beautiful natural
source of fat, not to mention high in nutrients and an impressive amino acid
profile. Avocados are normally eaten raw so to ensure you obtain the good fat
at its optimum as heating denatures the
fruit. They also contain potassium to regulate blood pressure and the nutrient foliate for heart health, add avocado to your salad to makes the fat soluble vitamins more available to your body.
Chew your food properly, eat slowly and take time to chew
your food properly it takes around 20min for your brain to realise you are
full, slower eating also aids digestion and can help with weight management.
Eat whole foods and
avoid processed and refined food, include
healthy fats (omega 3,6,9), which you can always use a supplement, minimise refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol,
and cooked starches.
Healthy digestive system is essential for absorbing
nutrients, excreting waste, keeping unwanted substances/pathogens out of the
body, and maintaining a healthy immune system and nervous system.
Elimination ridding the body of its normal
metabolic waste will ensure a healthy colon and help flatter stomach as well
reduce the risk of other diseases. Ground flax seeds, fruit and vegetables
fibre and of course regular exercise support healthy elimination.
Exercise is
important for many reasons, stress reduction, circulation/cardiovascular
health, weight control, mood, sleep, blood sugar, bowel function, and
respiratory health are all affected.
Getting outside and moving daily is a great goal, exercise
is especially important for your brain's ability to produce "happy"
hormones. Such as dopamine and serotonin.
Sleep will improve your memory and immune system, and is
essential to balancing your hormonal systems, which rely on a circadian rhythm.
Get between 7-8 hours of sleep every night for optimal wellness.
Get outside in the
sun daily for optimal brain function, immune function, cancer prevention, mood,
bone health, You will find no Vitamin D supplement on the market that is a
better substitute then sunlight, be careful not to go into direct sunlight, try
to go out between 9-11am, or 2 hours before sunset, and when using sunscreen.
For a long time people have used fats as a scapegoat for
the obesity epidemic that is rapidly overtaking the U.K and neighbouring
countries. Major food companies encourage us to mass consume their product.
They have an inescapable influence on our day to day lives,
from television , to poster and advertising boards telling us to buy and
consume more products.
Thankfully our government is trying to make amends for
the damage theses products have had on a large number of the population, measures
such as providing food information relating to the nutritional content of
supermarket products and their contents.
Other steps have included regulating how advertisements
can be aired, avoiding exposing children
to certain food adverts at times when children are more likely to watch broad
When people describe carbs in a negative way we are
referring to the sugar and refined process that strips the foods of its
nutritional value, carbs are not bad, in fact most are good it's all about the
choices you make.
Choose whole grain
Eat as much unrefined food as possible
Brown rice / Brown Pasta/ Brown Bread /instead of white
Fruit of all descriptions try to get your five a day
Vegetables as
much as you like try to get your five a day
Stick to white lean meats, eggs, and fish
Chocolate 70% cocoa or above
Bad Choices
Fizzy drinks / carbonated
Too much alcohol
Take away
What is the
big deal about Essential Fatty Acids?
Our bodies desperately need
fats they are essential for life helping maintain healthy blood pressure,
blood sugar levels, sleep cycles, skin, kidney, liver, lung and heart function
and brain function.
They also help with the absorption
of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K
Sources of Omega 3
Flaxseed oil (organically
grown, cold pressed oil) All dark green leafy vegetables specifically raw grape
leaves, kale, spinach, mustard greens, endive and dandelion greens.
Nuts and Seeds – hemp seeds,
pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, brazil nuts, wheat germ, wheat germ and canola
Cold water fish – cooked
Salmon and raw salmon in sushi are my favourites, but also consider sardines,
smelt, shad, anchovies.
Omega 6
[Linoleic Acid]
The good news is that this
essential fat is so abundant in most foods we eat on a daily basis that it is
very difficult to develop a deficiency in omega 6. It is, however, only healthy
in moderation.
It aids in brain and muscle
growth and also plays a role in the manufacture of important hormones in the
body. Particularly relevant to MS (Multiple
sclerosis), It is of vital importance in
the nervous system, as a transmitter of nerve impulses. Possible
symptoms of a deficiency include:
- Loss
of Hair
- Liver
and kidney degeneration
- Failure
to heal wounds (indicating a run down immune system)
- Miscarriage
- Arthritis
Sources of
Omega 6
It is found, in abundance in
the following plants and their cold pressed oils:

Seeds – Sunflower seeds,
sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds will provide Omega 6, but avoid sunflower oil
which is not healthy.
Avocados – are rich in fibre,
as well as other vitamins.
Olive oil and olives – easily
added to your diet, this natural source will provide both Omega 3 and Omega 6.
To find out
why you crave certain foods, or feel hungry we must understand the mechanisms
behind hunger.
Say hello
to Leptin and Ghrenlin, these two important hormones help regulate your body
Leptin and ghrelin are two hormones that have been
recognized to have a major influence on energy balance.
Leptin is a
mediator of long term regulation of energy balance, suppressing food intake and
thereby inducing weight loss.
Ghrelin on the other hand is a fast acting hormone
seemingly playing a role in meal initiation.
What is Leptin
Leptin (Greek λεπτός (leptos)
meaning thin)
Leptin is a hormone secreted
by fat tissue cells and acts at its receptor in the brain to decrease food
intake and promote energy expenditure including appetite, metabolism and
hunger. It is the single most important hormone when it comes to understanding
why we feel hungry or full. When present in high levels, it signals to our
brain that we are full and can stop eating, when Leptin levels are low, we feel
hungry and crave food.
insulin, leptin is part of a regulatory network that controls intake and expenditure
of energy in the body, and a lack of leptin or resistance to it has been linked
to obesity.
weight can lead to leptin resistance, study found that high fructose diets can
induce leptin resistance. These sugars actually impair the leptin’s ability to
cross the blood-brain barrier and reach the hypothalamus. So even when the
leptin levels are high, not enough is reaching the brain to tell the body to
stop eating.
What is Ghrelin
Ghrelin is
a hormone released by the lining of the stomach that promotes feeding behaviour,
decreasing Ghrelin levels could potentially help combat obesity or weight gain.
Ghrelin promotes the drive for food intake and
maintains blood glucose during negative energy balance, as well as sub serving
the rewarding nature of food.
This increased release of ghrelin from the stomach
into the blood may explain why a person who skips breakfast also finds high calorie
foods more appealing than low calorie foods due to the peaking of the hormone
during periods of fasting.
Quit the
crash diets you are not doing your body any favours by losing weight too
quickly, If you are trying to lose weight, one thing you can do to help your
body is to maintain a five to six day healthy lifestyle, eating healthy foods
and have a day where you eat what you like.
When you
cut calories dramatically, your body goes into survival mode, this then causes your
Leptin level to plummet, in turn making you feel hungry and generally creating lower
energy levels that trigger you to eat more than you normally consume..
a healthy balance while slowly modifying your food intake will insure a steady
and realistic way to get fit and in shape without a yoyo effect.
occasional cheat or treat will unlikely do you harm as your body then senses
the rush of fuel and boosts Leptin levels, increasing your metabolism and
priming your body for fat loss. Occasional cheating helps ease your body down
to lower daily leptin levels without making it feel too starved. That way, as
you lose the weight, your body adjusts and realizes that the reduced Leptin levels
are normal not irregular. Providing meals and foods are consumed at regular
intervals throughout the day, this is one reason why it is important to eat
meal roughly the same time of day or evening and not leave too long between
meals, this leaves less time for Leptin to build up and more time for your new
levels to normalise.
persistent, new research shows that it may take upwards of 6-9 months for your
new levels of Leptin to normalise.
Too much sugar intake make your brain less
sensitive to leptin, which causes you to eat more and pack on the pounds. Some foods have been shown to increase leptin
activity and sensitivity.
The biggest connection scientists have found between Omega 3 Fatty Acids and leptin
look promising for consumers of fish.
For fish lovers the news just keep getting better, Fish
contains Omega 3 fatty acids researchers found that a group of people who ate a
high proportion of fish every day had lower leptin levels, despite eating the
same calorie load and having the same body fat as the fish free control group, suggesting that
a fish rich diet increased their bodies sensitivity to leptin.
There’s good news, too, for those that are already
overweight and leptin resistant it’s only temporary. So even if you’re
overweight and likely leptin resistant, you can improve on that state. Unlike
type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, which is very hard to reverse, leptin
resistance is fairly correctable with a normal, healthy diet and exercise.
Something really simple that everyone can do to
keep their leptin levels high and keep cravings under control is to sleep well.
When you go to sleep, your leptin levels naturally
rise, but if you cut your sleeping short, your body tries to adjust by making
you hungry again. Research has found that shorter sleep periods (6 hours or
less instead of lower overall daily leptin levels, cause an increase in appetite, and even make people
crave carbs and other fattening foods. It is important for your
body to rest so it can maintain its natural hormonal balance, allowing you to
look and feel your best.
Here are some good choices of unsaturated fats:
Canola oil
Soybean oil
Corn oil
Flax seeds
Flax seed oil
Peanut butter (without added hydrogenated oils or
Tub margarine/spreads (with 0g trans fats)
Olive oil
Sunflower oil
Safflower oil
Sesame Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds
Unsaturated fats are divided into monounsaturated
fats and polyunsaturated fats, and both types are thought to have beneficial
effects on cholesterol levels.
Monounsaturated fats help lower LDL (bad)
cholesterol while also boosting HDL (good) cholesterol.
Polyunsaturated fats are also thought to help lower
total and bad cholesterol. But monounsaturated fats tend to be favoured over
polyunsaturated fats because some research suggests that polyunsaturated fats
are less stable, and can reduce levels of good cholesterol as well as bad.
But let's not ignore polyunsaturated fats.
are often a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, found mostly in cold-water
fish, nuts, oils and seeds, and also in dark leafy greens, flaxseed oils and
some vegetable oils.
One kind of omega-3 fatty acid is an
"essential fatty acid," which cannot be manufactured by our bodies,
so eating these foods is the only way to get them. Omega-3 fatty acids are
thought to lower blood pressure, combat LDL (bad) cholesterol, fight
inflammation and protect the brain and nervous system.
Saturated Fats
Then there are bad fats, those apparently artery clogging
saturated fats, from meat and dairy products.
An easy way
to remember your saturated fats, is to remember these fats are solid at room
Saturated fats have been shown to directly raise
total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Conventional advice has been to avoid
them as much as possible. However, a meta-analysis published in the American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition in early 2010 found no link between saturated-fat
intake and increased risk of coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease.
Still, the Harvard School of Public Health, in a
study published in March 2010, found that replacing saturated fats with an
equal amount of polyunsaturated fats did indeed reduce the risk of coronary
heart disease by 19 percent.
Perhaps, then, saturated fats may not be so bad
after all, and they are certainly an important source of vitamins and minerals.
Plus, some argue that coconut oil and palm fruit oil, which are plant-based
sources of saturated fats, may actually be beneficial because their particular
fatty-acid make-up means they are metabolised differently in the body. Stearic
acid, found in animal products and in some foods such as chocolate, gets a pass
because much of it is converted by the body into oleic acid, a monounsaturated
fat. Thus, saturated fats may be more beneficial, or at least more neutral,
than we think
Trans fats are made by a chemical process called
partial hydrogenation. Liquid vegetable oil (an otherwise healthy
monounsaturated fat) is packed with hydrogen atoms and converted into a solid
This made what seemed an ideal fat for the food industry to work with
because of its high melting point, its creamy, smooth texture and its re-usability in deep-fat frying.
Hope you found this useful for more please subscribe:
Author: Gareth Myles