Wednesday, 12 March 2014

To Truely Push Yourself, What is it We Need? By GM-Fitness Cardiff

Good Morning Guys And Girls.

Mel Here From GM-Fitness Cardiff. I must say I am feeling pretty dam on fire today. Myself and Team GM-Fitness are joining the crowd and celebrating 100 days of Happy Thoughts. We now go in to day 7.

Today I want to Talk about How hard do you really Train?

This article is inspired by my client Dave Jones who Brought me in on Monday an article by a guy Tony Parsons, Headed To Be First You Need A Good Second.

Fantastic Read.

He starts By Saying You Wont reach your peak with solo workouts, If You Want to get in shape- really inshape-pair up with A good Personal Trainer.

This Was music to my ears, Straight way that's me switched on.  Mel Is now awake alert alert....

Which is true guys. Im Often at the gym, And I often watch people training alone doing the same workout they did do just last week. And Boom No Change.

People guys like comfort and Not many people push them selves out of that comfort zone alone.

Can you get Fit Alone? seriously Fit now?

As Tony States Its Scary Pushing yourself to your limits alone. And you convince yourself that the steady 15 minute jog you just did was awesome, And you truly did work your ass off right?

Ask yourself this when training alone, Do you really step out of your comfort zone?

I am a Trainer Myself, And I twice aweek I Have a Personal Training session With Trainer Gareth From GM-Fitness to really push me to my limits, Its Human Nature when it hurts to hold back and say enough enough. But with your Trainer by your side that support and encouragement really does make all the difference.

You are probably reading this and saying A personal Trainer Cost Money.

Sure it does But you are investing Time, Money in to your health just like you invest money in to your salon treatments, Dentists appointments, Nail and Feet painting.

Why Not Invest money in to looking good, Feeling Great.
Exercise Is a great way to De Stress,

And as Tony Parsons states. When you make room in your dairy weekly you are less likely to cancel appointments. Having a personal trainer demands you find time for Fitness. Because those regular sessions in your diary are always going to be in your diary. And breaking it will be a big deal.

How many times have you woke up in the morning and thought right I am off to the gym this evening, Then 5pm comes along and you say not tonight I am far to tired. How often has that happened?

Or You have injured your leg and say I must Rest I must Recover.  When working Along side a Trainer the great thing is we will work around your strengths and weakness. So surely One small injury should not put you off your workout.. Right?

Next Time you Go To cancel a session ask yourself Do I really need to miss that workout?

Fad And Fad Diets are Bull shxt. Not thing compares to a good clean Healthy lifestyle.

Interested in what you have read Above..

Then do feel free to contact Us we are Team GM-Fitness Cardiff.


Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Why Lifting Weights Will Not Make Females Big And Bulky By M From GM-Fitness Cardiff

Good Afternoon All.

Its The M here From GM-Fitness Personal Training Cardiff.

How are you all doing?

Today Dear Friends My Aim is to Discuss 1 thing and 1 thing only.
This is one thing that really does annoy me, And truth be told Very few things do this.

Why Women Think Lifting weights will Make them Big And bulky.

Ask yourself Ladies in your every day life how often do you see a muscle bound female?


Im right here waiting for the answers.

I bet the answer is never.. Am I Right?

I lift 5-6 Days a week, And I lift Heavy. People Who know me am I big And Bulky?

3 Myths I want you to read.

Myth One

Weight Lifting Makes A Women Big And Bulky.

It’s no surprise that this is still the most common female strength training myth. Frequent, progressive, heavy weight lifting with basic compound exercises does not make women big ‘n bulky. 

The true culprit that gives a woman a bulky appearance is excess body fat. Period.

Women do not have the amount of testosterone necessary to build large muscles; men do. The average man has approximately 20 times MORE testosterone than you. Testosterone is the reason why men can build large muscles.

Myth Two
To Loose Weight I should Stay Away From Weight Lifting And just Do Cardio.

Absolutely wrong
Weight Training not only Increases your lean Mass but Also Increases your metabolism.
Giving you a shapely Tight Figure.
I Often See Women attend the gym And just Do Cardio And it Pains me to think of the benefits they could be reaping from lifting weights.

Myth Three
Weight Training Takes To Much Time.

No, it doesn’t. You can perform an effective workout in as little as 30 minutes a few times per week. As long as you are performing compound exercises and challenging yourself (using enough weight!), and you improve your performance, you don’t need a lot of time.
In fact, you can get in a much more effective, productive strength training workout in 20 minutes than you could with 45+ minutes of traditional cardio. Doing squats, push-ups, and pullups for 20 minutes will do much more for your physique than plodding along aimlessly on a cardio machine for 45 minutes.

So Check Out Just A small List I have just put together of the Benefits of weight Training.

Benefits Of Weight Training Ladies

You Will Torch Fat
Build Confidents
You Will Look More Defined
You Will help  Fight off Osteoporosis
You Will Burn More Calories
You Will help Prevent Injury
Loose Belly Fat
Lower Your Blood pressure
Help With Anxiety
Help With Stress
Clear Your Mind
Build A Shapely Figure

Contact Team GM-Fitness Cardiff for More Information.